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Gastro Obscura’s series Sparked explores how one special bite can change an entire life. In every episode, our diverse roster
of rotating guests — featuring chefs, food historians, scientists, artists, and other industry professionals — will take us on
a journey in their kitchens.
They’ll each answer the same question: What “Spark Food” rewired your brain, showed you that food was more than fuel, and kick-started the journey to become who you are today? Dig in to see which dishes, ingredients, recipes, and places sparked path-shifting culinary revelations.
The Devil Chefs
BY SAFINA NABI, 4 february 2022
Meet the ‘Devil Chefs’ of Kashmir. Families use skills passed down over generations to prepare a special feast.
BY DIANA HUBBELL, 8 february 2022
Grow Your Own
Ever dreamed having a peanut butter fruit tree in your garden?
BY ALEX MAYYASI, 5 february 2022
1,000 Unique Foods
Including black apples, green oysters, and hallucinogenic honey.
BY RICHARD COLLETT, 3 february 2022
400-Year-Old Cheese
How a 400-year-old cheese got its
groove back. The secret ingredient? Stinging nettles.
Sparked follows a diverse roster of food industry professionals as they recreate the meals that showed
them how food could change the world.
The Devil Chefs
Grow Your Own
1,000 Unique Foods
400-Year-Old Cheese
Sparked | CÔNG TỬ BOT
A Vietnamese family tradition carried on in Portland, Maine.
Vien Dobui
Real Colonial American Food
Culinary historian Michael W. Twitty cooks
to tell stories in Colonial Williamsburg.
Michael Twitty
Why you should eat bugs
Chef Joseph Yoon explains how edible insects are tools towards building a sustainable
food culture.
Joseph Yoon
Chef and artist Jen Monroe shows us that no idea is too strange in the world of wacky, wild dinner parties.
Jen monroe
Recreating Ancient Bread
Farrell Monaco recreates ancient Greek and Roman breads using archaeological records.
Farrell Monaco
Foraging for the Past in Texas
Chef Adán Medrano explores the Indigenous culinary traditions of Texas.
Adán medrano
A Legacy of Wine in Cincinnati
Kate MacDonald recreates the wine that put American (and more specifically Cincinnati) wine-making on the map.
Kate MacDonald
Mom’s Green Spaghetti
The memory of cooking a uniquely-colored dish with her mother kick-started food writer Priya Krishna’s lifelong love of food.
Priya Krishna
Sparked follows a diverse roster of food industry professionals as they recreate the meals that showed them how food could change the world.
Gastro Obscura’s series Sparked explores
how one special bite can change an entire
life. In every episode, our diverse roster
of rotating guests — featuring chefs, food historians, scientists, artists, and other industry professionals — will take us on
a journey in their kitchens.
They’ll each answer the same question: What “Spark Food” rewired your brain, showed you that food was more than fuel, and kick-started the journey to become who you are today?
Dig in to see which dishes, ingredients, recipes, and places sparked path-shifting culinary revelations.
BY SAFINA NABI, 4 february 2022
Meet the ‘Devil Chefs’ of Kashmir. Families use skills passed down over generations to prepare
a special feast.
The Devil Chefs
BY DIANA HUBBELL, 8 february 2022
Ever dreamed having a peanut butter fruit
tree in your garden?
Grow Your Own
BY ALEX MAYYASI, 5 february 2022
Including black apples, green oysters, and hallucinogenic honey.
1,000 Unique Foods
BY RICHARD COLLETT, 3 february 2022
How a 400-year-old cheese got its groove
back. The secret ingredient? Stinging nettles.
400-Year-Old Cheese
Recreating Ancient Bread
Farrell Monaco
Farrell Monaco recreates ancient Greek and Roman breads using archaeological records.
Recreating Ancient Bread
Farrell Monaco
Foraging for the Past in Texas
Adán Medrano
Chef Adán Medrano explores the Indigenous culinary traditions of Texas.
Foraging for the Past in Texas
Adán Medrano
A Legacy of Wine in Cincinnati
Kate MacDonald
Kate MacDonald recreates the wine that put American (and more specifically Cincinnati) wine-making on the map.
A Legacy of Wine in Cincinnati
Kate MacDonald
Mom’s Green Spaghetti
Priya Krishna
The memory of cooking a uniquely-colored dish with her mother kick-started food writer Priya Krishna’s lifelong love of food.
Mom’s Green Spaghetti
Priya Krishna
Vien Dobui
A Vietnamese family tradition carried on in Portland, Maine.
Home In A Bowl of Noodles
Vien Dobui
Real Colonial American Food
Michael Twitty
Culinary historian Michael W. Twitty cooks to tell stories in Colonial Williamsburg.
Real Colonial American Food
Michael Twitty
Why you should eat bugs
Joseph Yoon
Chef Joseph Yoon explains how edible insects are tools towards building a sustainable food culture.
Why you should eat bugs
Joseph Yoon
Jen Monroe
Chef and artist Jen Monroe shows us that no idea is too strange in the world of wacky, wild dinner parties.
Jen Monroe
What is Sparked?
Get a bite-sized look at our newest video series, featuring a diverse roster of guests.
What is Sparked?
Get a bite-sized look at our newest video
series, featuring a diverse roster of guests.
What is Sparked?